1. Is it time to stop saying 'data are'?

    I am going to stop saying ‘data are’ and just say ‘data is’. …

  2. Including embedded resources

    How to include embedded resources in Locust …

  3. Why testing web caches is important and how to do it

    At this extraordinary time, it’s not surprising that some of our systems are struggling. …

  4. Using Mandolin on Gherkin

    I have a lot of sympathy for Behaviour Driven Development champions who get frustrated at the misuse of tools like Cucumber. However, isn’t it inevitable that organisations which have invested in BDD will want the resulting assets to be as widely used as possible? …

  5. Performance Testing

    What is performance testing? You probably have a good idea of whether your software is functional and maybe how well it performs when running in a development environment. But how well will it cope when: fully populated with data? under typical or peak load? under exceptional stress, perhaps a denial of service attack? …

  6. Consultancy Services

    I specialise in optimising software quality and the infrastructure it’s deployed to. Here’s how: Performance testing I help organisations identify performance issues and how they can resolve them by introducing good performance testing practice. Want to learn more about performance testing? Automation The automation graveyard is full of well meaning projects. I can help by providing simple, reliable automation that won’t give you a maintenance headache - all using the tools that make the best fit for the job and the team. Investigation and optimisation If you know you have a problem but don’t know where to start, together we can work through how to turn around poor performance and unreliability. Training I can help get people up to speed so they can work with confidence through training that is designed to meet their needs. …